Samples and Media
Consecutive/Simultaneous Interpreting Sample
Interpreting on a live taping of the Acústicamente TV program in Guanajuato, Mexico, July 5, 2014 for John Dover (yes, there is a relation 😉). Here Jessica is interpreting the hosts’ questions simultaneously into English and John’s responses consecutively into Spanish.
English>Spanish Translation Sample
This is a real example of a English-to-Spanish translation by Jessica Dover that was published in the The Oregonian.
Spanish>English Translation Sample
Since it is not always possible to show examples from real clients due to confidentiality, this is an sample Spanish-to-English translation from the Spanish-language publication El País of around 250-300 words.
Subtitling Sample
This is a real example of subtitles delivered to Energy Trust of Oregon for publication on their YouTube Channel.
Spanish>English Simultaneous Interpreting Sample
This is a real example of Jessica’s Spanish-to-English live simultaneous interpretation taken from a presentation by Marvin Peña for Impact Beaverton’s Info Session series for small business owners on July 13, 2022.
English>Spanish Simultaneous Interpreting Sample
This is real example of Jessica interpreting live for candidate Beach Pace’s response about funding sidewalks and infrastructure on the Washington County Chair Candidate Forum presented by Elemento Latino on March 28, 2022.